Peru - Lima / Fundación OLI - Sep 2017
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Cheguei a Bogotá, saída literalmente da festa de casamento do meu primo Kiko e da Francisca, um festão! O pouco que dormi foi no avião e na escala que fiz no aeroporto de Charles de Gaulle.
À chegada, fui recebida pelo o meu irmão, a minha cunhada e sobrinhos. Todos nós felizes por estarmos juntos.
Os miúdos estavam numa excitação e, apesar de estoirada, deu para brincar com uma minhoca mágica, um yoyo e fazer buscas a uma colher com orelhas de coelho que insistia em se esconder, antes de nos irmos deitar 😊 Tão bom!
A minha estadia por Bogotá foi apenas de 1 dia e pouco, e portanto estava focada em estar com eles. Terça-feira de madrugada parti do aeroporto El Dorado com destino a Lima.
Cheguei já à hora do almoço à capital do Peru e fui direta até ao animado distrito de Miraflores. É aqui que vive o Alex, o meu gentil e generoso anfitrião que, mesmo estando ausente da cidade, ofereceu a sua casa para que eu aqui ficasse. Instalei-me e fiz o reconhecimento da área (mercados, lojas, restaurantes, jardins, etc.).
Ao final da tarde conheci o Edwin, um peruano muito simpático que se disponibilizou a mostrar-me um pouco da zona centro deste distrito.
Algum tempo mais tarde fomos jantar e compreendi porque é que a comida peruana é tão famosa. Enquanto o meu mais recente amigo me dava algumas dicas verdadeiramente preciosas sobre Lima e o Peru, pedimos um ceviche misto, umas conchas a la parmesana e um causa de pulpo, acompanhados pela saborosa cerveja nacional Cusqueña. Uma delícia!
Regressei a casa cedo. Para além de muito cansada, tinha agendada uma visita à Fundación OLI na manhã seguinte.
Regressei a casa cedo. Para além de muito cansada, tinha agendada uma visita à Fundación OLI na manhã seguinte.
Sedeada no distrito de San Isidro, esta organização não governamental tem por missão ajudar a criar oportunidades de melhoria nos eixos da saúde, educação, cultura e meio-ambiente, em todo país. Fá-lo através do estabelecimento de parcerias e trabalho em rede, apoiando o desenvolvimento de iniciativas e projectos socialmente responsáveis.
Achei particularmente interessante o facto desta organização recolher apoios que facilitem a prossecução de projectos desenvolvidos por outras entidades e simultaneamente prestando enquadramento a iniciativas com falta de contexto institucional.
Por exemplo, assim como estão presentes na recolha de apoios para comunidades afectadas por desastres naturais, também possibilitam as condições para o desenvolvimento de projectos como o dos “Corazones solidários” ou o “Ayudando, Abrigando”.
No projecto “Corazones solidários”, fornecem material a mães de crianças doentes crónicas (que não têm condições para trabalhar), para que possam fazer, com corações de pano, peças decorativas. Posteriormente, recolhem estes produtos e colocam-nos à venda, sendo 100% do valor conseguido entregue aos seus destinatários.
Já no projecto “Ayudando, Abrigando”, recolhem garrafas e outros recipientes de plástico e transformam-nos em mantas e cobertas. Estes são apenas alguns dos interessantes projectos desenvolvidos.
A sustentabilidade da Fundación OLI ( resulta da colaboração de voluntários e de donativos de privados, sendo a sua grande maioria de particulares internacionais ou a residir fora do país. Portanto se vierem até Lima e quiserem contribuir de uma forma organizada para a sociedade peruana, fazer voluntariado aqui é uma ótima opção.
Depois de conhecer as instalações, despedi-me da Diana e fui até ao lugar arqueológico “Huallamarca”, um edifício piramidal do período do início da cultura Lima (200 a.C.). Impressionante!
Sempre a pé, visitei o Parque El Olivar, passei o Óvalo Gutierrez, atravessei o Parque Guillermo Correa Elias e fiz todo o Malecón (passeio pedestre pela arriba, sobre o mar), começando a perceber porque é que o Peru é um spot de surf com enorme reputação mundial.
Apesar do tempo cinzento, fiquei particularmente encantada com beleza da vista sobre o oceano pacífico e a doçura do Parque del Amor. Imperdível!
English version
English version
I arrived in Bogota, literally leaving the wedding party of my cousin Kiko and Francisca, a super party! The little I slept was on the plane and on the stopover I made at Charles de Gaulle airport.
On arrival I was greeted by my brother, my sister-in-law and nephews. We were all so happy to be together!
The kids were very excited, and despite my tiredness, I was glad to play with a magic worm, an yoyo, and search for a spoon with rabbit ears which insisted on hiding before we went to bed 😊 So good!
My stay in Bogota was only a day and a half, so I was focused on being with my brother’s family. Tuesday morning I left from El Dorado airport to Lima.
I arrived at lunch time to the capital of Peru and I went straight to the lively district of Miraflores. Here is where Alex lives, my kind and generous host. In fact, he offered me his house, even though he was absent from the city.
I set up my things and I went out for the reconnaissance of the area (markets, shops, restaurants, gardens, etc.).
At the end of the afternoon I met Edwin, a very nice Peruvian who offered to show me some of the downtown area of this district.
Some time later we went to dinner and I understood why the Peruvian food is so famous. While my most recent friend was giving me some really precious tips about Lima and Peru, we ordered a mixed ceviche, some shells to the parmesan and a causa de pulpo (octopus), accompanied by the tasty national beer Cusqueña. Delicious!
I went home early. In addition to being very tired, I had scheduled a visit to the OLI Foundation - Fundación OLI the following morning.
Headquartered in the district of San Isidro, this non-governmental organization has the mission to help create opportunities to improve health, education, culture and environment axes in Peru. Its mission is to support the development of socially responsible initiatives and projects by establishing partnerships and networking.
I was received by Diana Crousillat, coordinator of social projects and institutional relations.
In a dynamic and affectionate way she explained to me that the foundation is a help platform that works as a broker, enhancing the involvement of civil society and companies in supporting solidarity initiatives.
I find it particularly interesting that this organization collects support which facilitates the sustainability of projects developed by other entities and simultaneously, it provides a framework for initiatives lacking an institutional context.
For example, as they are present in the collection of support for communities affected by natural disasters, they also allow the conditions for the development of projects such as “Corazones solidários” (Solidarity Hearts) or “Ayudando, Abrigando” (Helping, Sheltering).
In the “Corazones solidários” project, they provide material to mothers of chronically ill children (who are unable to work) so that they can make decorative pieces with cloth hearts. Subsequently, collect these products and put them on sale, being 100% of the value obtained delivered to its recipients.
In the “Ayudando, Abrigando” project, they collect bottles and other plastic containers and turn them into blankets and blankets. These are just some of the interesting projects developed by them.
The sustainability of Fundación OLI ( results from the collaboration of volunteers and donations from private individuals, most of them being international or residing outside the country. So if you come to Lima and want to contribute in an organized way to Peruvian society, to volunteer here is a great option.
After the meeting, I said goodbye to Diana and I went to the archaeological site "Huallamarca" - a pyramidal building from the beginning of the Lima culture (200 b.C.). Impressive!
Always by foot, I visited El Olivar Park, I passed Ovalo Gutierrez, I crossed Guillermo Correa Elias Park and I made the whole Malecón (pedestrian walk through the hill, over the sea). Yes, I began to understand why Peru is a surf spot with a huge worldwide reputation.
Despite the gray weather, I was particularly charmed by the beauty of the view of the Pacific Ocean and the sweetness of the Park del Amor. Unmissable! (reviewed by Jakes Lones)
On arrival I was greeted by my brother, my sister-in-law and nephews. We were all so happy to be together!
The kids were very excited, and despite my tiredness, I was glad to play with a magic worm, an yoyo, and search for a spoon with rabbit ears which insisted on hiding before we went to bed 😊 So good!
My stay in Bogota was only a day and a half, so I was focused on being with my brother’s family. Tuesday morning I left from El Dorado airport to Lima.
I arrived at lunch time to the capital of Peru and I went straight to the lively district of Miraflores. Here is where Alex lives, my kind and generous host. In fact, he offered me his house, even though he was absent from the city.
I set up my things and I went out for the reconnaissance of the area (markets, shops, restaurants, gardens, etc.).
At the end of the afternoon I met Edwin, a very nice Peruvian who offered to show me some of the downtown area of this district.
Some time later we went to dinner and I understood why the Peruvian food is so famous. While my most recent friend was giving me some really precious tips about Lima and Peru, we ordered a mixed ceviche, some shells to the parmesan and a causa de pulpo (octopus), accompanied by the tasty national beer Cusqueña. Delicious!
I went home early. In addition to being very tired, I had scheduled a visit to the OLI Foundation - Fundación OLI the following morning.
Headquartered in the district of San Isidro, this non-governmental organization has the mission to help create opportunities to improve health, education, culture and environment axes in Peru. Its mission is to support the development of socially responsible initiatives and projects by establishing partnerships and networking.
I was received by Diana Crousillat, coordinator of social projects and institutional relations.
In a dynamic and affectionate way she explained to me that the foundation is a help platform that works as a broker, enhancing the involvement of civil society and companies in supporting solidarity initiatives.
I find it particularly interesting that this organization collects support which facilitates the sustainability of projects developed by other entities and simultaneously, it provides a framework for initiatives lacking an institutional context.
For example, as they are present in the collection of support for communities affected by natural disasters, they also allow the conditions for the development of projects such as “Corazones solidários” (Solidarity Hearts) or “Ayudando, Abrigando” (Helping, Sheltering).
In the “Corazones solidários” project, they provide material to mothers of chronically ill children (who are unable to work) so that they can make decorative pieces with cloth hearts. Subsequently, collect these products and put them on sale, being 100% of the value obtained delivered to its recipients.
In the “Ayudando, Abrigando” project, they collect bottles and other plastic containers and turn them into blankets and blankets. These are just some of the interesting projects developed by them.
The sustainability of Fundación OLI ( results from the collaboration of volunteers and donations from private individuals, most of them being international or residing outside the country. So if you come to Lima and want to contribute in an organized way to Peruvian society, to volunteer here is a great option.
After the meeting, I said goodbye to Diana and I went to the archaeological site "Huallamarca" - a pyramidal building from the beginning of the Lima culture (200 b.C.). Impressive!
Always by foot, I visited El Olivar Park, I passed Ovalo Gutierrez, I crossed Guillermo Correa Elias Park and I made the whole Malecón (pedestrian walk through the hill, over the sea). Yes, I began to understand why Peru is a surf spot with a huge worldwide reputation.
Despite the gray weather, I was particularly charmed by the beauty of the view of the Pacific Ocean and the sweetness of the Park del Amor. Unmissable! (reviewed by Jakes Lones)
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