Portugal - Projecto "Moreira Team" / Figueira da Foz - Jun 2017
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Este fim-de-semana fui até à Figueira da Foz e tive a oportunidade de viver talvez os dias mais emocionantes (até à data) de 2017!
Arranquei no Sábado de madrugada de boleia com o Fausto, mal dormida pela ansiedade (também porque estava para nascer a Olívia, a minha prima mais nova) e a partir daí acho que tivemos direito a tudo!
Este fim-de-semana fui até à Figueira da Foz e tive a oportunidade de viver talvez os dias mais emocionantes (até à data) de 2017!
No final do ano passado escrevi uma crónica sobre a "Moreira Team Kickboxing", um projecto que surge no Bairro Municipal do Alto da Loba, em Paço de Arcos, a partir da própria comunidade e que tem como mentor o Elson Moreira. Este projecto tem procurado ocupar os tempos livres de crianças e jovens através da prática desta modalidade desportiva e, complementarmente, fazer o acompanhamento do seu percurso escolar, há quase 4 anos.
No princípio deste ano fizemos um crowdfunding para a "Moreira Team", com o qual foi adquirido algum material essencial e garantidas as condições mínimas necessárias para que os atletas da equipa pudessem participar em competições. A verba conseguida aumentava a responsabilidade de dar continuidade ao trabalho realizado e, simultaneamente, a motivação para conseguir bons resultados. Não queríamos defraudar expectativas…
Ao longo destes 6 meses, o número de atletas praticantes aumentaram, assim como as obrigações do Elson, que tem se esforçado de uma forma impressionante para conseguir conciliar a sua vida profissional e pessoal com o projecto. Felizmente (e para meu alívio) recentemente a equipa ganhou um reforço de peso. O Elson convidou um companheiro e amigo para dar treinos 2 vezes por semana, o Fausto Rego (atleta profissional, reconhecido na modalidade), que aceitou o desafio.
Ora este fim-de-semana decorreu o Campeonato Nacional de Kickboxing. Foram apurados 5 atletas da “Moreira Team” que queriam muito conquistar uma medalha. Todos nós sabíamos da importância que esse feito teria para a equipa, não só como reconhecimento do trabalho feito mas também na possibilidade de conseguir mais apoios futuramente. “Pouca” pressão, não? 😜
Para “ajudar”, as obrigações profissionais do Elson não lhe permitiam deslocar-se e (até por isso) o último treino foi particularmente emocionante. Ele é o alicerce da equipa e a presença dele faz, necessariamente, toda a diferença.
Arranquei no Sábado de madrugada de boleia com o Fausto, mal dormida pela ansiedade (também porque estava para nascer a Olívia, a minha prima mais nova) e a partir daí acho que tivemos direito a tudo!
O encontro dos atletas representantes da equipa (Sandro, Samuel, Max, Tiago e Afonso) e dos familiares que os puderam acompanhar, as pesagens, a espera pelos combates, a tensão crescente anterior, as lágrimas de frustração ou de descompressão posteriores, as alegrias das vitórias, as tristezas das derrotas, os sentimentos de injustiça e os de júbilo… E no meio deste turbilhão, o Elson faz a surpresa de aparecer no Domingo para os combates decisivos. Completamente impróprio para cardíacos!!
Resumindo: regressámos com 1 Campeão, 1 Vice-campeão, uma medalha de bronze e um 4º lugar!
Não sei se consigo explicar o estado em que cheguei no Domingo, ao final do dia, a casa. O estado de cansaço, de emoção, de descompressão, de alívio, de satisfação e de orgulho… soluçados por algum tempo.
Fiquei impressionada com isso, comigo. E dei por mim a confirmar de uma forma muito especial o que há muito sei. Que o mais importante neste projecto é algo que não se pode medir. São as ligações, a união que se estabelece entre todos nós.
Eu gosto tanto de cada um deles e de uma forma tão especial que me alegro ou sofro por eles com a mesma intensidade. É como se, em certa medida, fossem todos um pouco meus. Sim, são, de facto, uma família.
English version
This weekend I went to Figueira da Foz and I had the opportunity to live perhaps the most exciting days (to date) of 2017!
At the end of last year I wrote a piece about the "Moreira Team Kickboxing", a community-based project from the Neighborhood of Alto da Loba in Paço de Arcos. Elson Moreira is the main mentor for the group, which seeks to empower young people through kickboxing while following the course of their schooling, almost for 4 years.
Earlier this year we did a crowdfunding campaign for the "Moreira Team" which covered the costs of essential supplies and competition fees for the young athletes. The money raised increased the responsibility of continuing the work and, simultaneously, the motivation to achieve good results. We did not want to defraud expectations of the people that supported us...
Over the course of these 6 months, the number of participating athletes has increased, as have the obligations of Elson, who has strived in an impressive way to bring professional and personal life together with the project. Luckily (and to my relief) the team recently gained a weight boost. Elson invited a bellman and friend to give training twice a week, Fausto Rego (professional athlete, recognized in the sport), who accepted the challenge.
This weekend was the National Kickboxing Championship. Five "Moreira Team" athletes were determined to win a medal. We all knew how important it would be for the team, not only in recognition of the work done but also in the possibility of obtaining more support in the future. "Little" pressure, no?😜
To "help," Elson's professional duties did not allow him to move out from Paço de Arcos, and (for that matter) the last training was particularly emotional. He is the foundation of the team and his presence necessarily makes all the difference.
I started out on Saturday night with a hitch-hiker with Fausto, barely asleep because of anxiety (also because my new cousin, Olivia, was about to be born). From there I think we had opportunity of experience everything!
The days went like this: We met with the athletes representing the team (Sandro, Samuel, Max, Tiago and Afonso) and the relatives who accompanied them, did the weighing and waiting for the fights, experienced growing tension, tears of frustration or decompression, joys of the victories, sorrows of defeat, the feelings of injustice and those of jubilation… And in the midst of this whirlwind, Elson made a surprise appearance on Sunday for the decisive fights. What a moment!
In short: we returned with 1 Champion, 1 Runner-up, a bronze medal and a 4th place!
I do not know if I can explain the state in which I arrived home on Sunday at the end of the day. The state of fatigue, of emotion, of decompression, of relief, of satisfaction and of pride… I sobbed for some time.
I was impressed with this, with me. I gave myself the opportunity to confirm in a very special way what I have long known: that the most important thing about this project is something that cannot be measured. It is the bonds, the union that is established between us all.
I love each of them so much and in such a special way that I rejoice or suffer for them with the same intensity. It's as if, to some extent, they were all a bit mine. Yes, they are, in fact, family (reviewed by Kasey Kinsella)
English version
This weekend I went to Figueira da Foz and I had the opportunity to live perhaps the most exciting days (to date) of 2017!
At the end of last year I wrote a piece about the "Moreira Team Kickboxing", a community-based project from the Neighborhood of Alto da Loba in Paço de Arcos. Elson Moreira is the main mentor for the group, which seeks to empower young people through kickboxing while following the course of their schooling, almost for 4 years.
Earlier this year we did a crowdfunding campaign for the "Moreira Team" which covered the costs of essential supplies and competition fees for the young athletes. The money raised increased the responsibility of continuing the work and, simultaneously, the motivation to achieve good results. We did not want to defraud expectations of the people that supported us...
Over the course of these 6 months, the number of participating athletes has increased, as have the obligations of Elson, who has strived in an impressive way to bring professional and personal life together with the project. Luckily (and to my relief) the team recently gained a weight boost. Elson invited a bellman and friend to give training twice a week, Fausto Rego (professional athlete, recognized in the sport), who accepted the challenge.
This weekend was the National Kickboxing Championship. Five "Moreira Team" athletes were determined to win a medal. We all knew how important it would be for the team, not only in recognition of the work done but also in the possibility of obtaining more support in the future. "Little" pressure, no?😜
To "help," Elson's professional duties did not allow him to move out from Paço de Arcos, and (for that matter) the last training was particularly emotional. He is the foundation of the team and his presence necessarily makes all the difference.
I started out on Saturday night with a hitch-hiker with Fausto, barely asleep because of anxiety (also because my new cousin, Olivia, was about to be born). From there I think we had opportunity of experience everything!
The days went like this: We met with the athletes representing the team (Sandro, Samuel, Max, Tiago and Afonso) and the relatives who accompanied them, did the weighing and waiting for the fights, experienced growing tension, tears of frustration or decompression, joys of the victories, sorrows of defeat, the feelings of injustice and those of jubilation… And in the midst of this whirlwind, Elson made a surprise appearance on Sunday for the decisive fights. What a moment!
In short: we returned with 1 Champion, 1 Runner-up, a bronze medal and a 4th place!
I do not know if I can explain the state in which I arrived home on Sunday at the end of the day. The state of fatigue, of emotion, of decompression, of relief, of satisfaction and of pride… I sobbed for some time.
I was impressed with this, with me. I gave myself the opportunity to confirm in a very special way what I have long known: that the most important thing about this project is something that cannot be measured. It is the bonds, the union that is established between us all.
I love each of them so much and in such a special way that I rejoice or suffer for them with the same intensity. It's as if, to some extent, they were all a bit mine. Yes, they are, in fact, family (reviewed by Kasey Kinsella)
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