Thailand - First days in Koh Lanta - Feb 2017
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Cheguei a
Koh Lanta, depois de uma viagem bastante exigente.
De facto,
saí às 13h45 de Chiang Rai e cheguei à ilha pelas 11h da manhã do dia seguinte,
depois de ter apanhado um autocarro, 2 aviões e 1 carrinha.
Não tinha
reservado nenhum hostel e o meu plano era arranjar um sítio bem barato, por uma
noite ou duas, e depois decidir onde ficar.
Toda a
gente me recomendava para ir mais para o sul da ilha mas a concentração de
hostels fica à norte. Optei por sair em Klong Khong (zona intermédia), muito
porque na véspera tinha estado com uns espanhois que me tinham recomendado uns
bungalows nesta zona.
Sob um
forte calor, desci da carrinha que me deixou na estrada principal - poeirenta,
cheia de outdoors e anúncios a hostels e restaurantes, difíceis de ler dada a
sua quantidade.
a um ponto de informações turísticas, falei com a rapariga que lá estava e
pedi-lhe para deixar a minha mochila enquanto procurava alojamento. Acedeu
muito simpaticamente.
Não sei o
que me deu, se foi pelo cansaço ou apenas por estupidez natural, fiz exactamente
o contrário do que tinha planeado. Comecei a procurar sítio para ficar tentando
negociar o melhor preço por estadia e mota, para um mês… Nem se quer tinha dado
uma volta, visto uma praia, nada! Uma perfeita anormalidade!!!
assim, fico fascinada como, apesar de obviamente bloqueada na minha capacidade
de raciocinar, fui capaz de arranjar um quarto muito limpo e uma mota, por um
preço muito satisfatório, no espaço de 2h!
período de tempo fiquei com a percepção que:
- 80% da
população nesta ilha é muçulmana,
- Quem
gere e decide os negócios são as mulheres,
- Apesar
de mais pobre, os preços dos produtos e serviços são de 30% a 50% mais elevados
que no Norte,
- Os
tailandeses do sul têm uma paciência relativa para os turistas e interagem o
mínimo que puderem, ainda que falem mais inglês que os do Norte.
- Fazer
voluntariado é tarefa difícil de poder ser concretizada e não parece ser uma
actividade muito valorizada.
Instalei-me e arranquei directa para a praia.
Sendo uma
ilha, toda a costa Oeste oferece um conjunto de praias de água transparente e
quente, ora recortadas por rochas, formando pequenas baías, ora extensos
areais, limitados por coqueiros e outras espécies tropicais.
Os dois dias
seguintes foram a tentar orientar-me, a tentar perceber como funciona a ilha,
onde comer tendo em consideração o meu budget
e a organizar-me. Essencialmente a sentir-me e a observar-me novamente.
que foram dias pouco confortáveis, não foram fáceis, mas foram sem dúvida dias
muito interessantes.
Era muito
claro para mim que se pudesse tinha ficado mais tempo em Chiang Rai e que lá me
tinha sentido em casa. Sou daquelas pessoas que apesar de adorar viajar,
ligo-me facilmente e depois não me é fácil as separações que estão,
necessariamente, subjacentes.
Mas havia
claramente outra questão. Não me sentia confortável com o sítio que tinha
escolhido. Pelo menos com a perspectiva de ficar um mês.
Ao 3º
dia, e depois de ter conversado com algumas pessoas entre e elas o Luke (um
inglês muito comunicativo a viver no sul), acordei bem cedo, fiz uns exercícios
de yoga e parti decidida a encontrar uma solução. Ou arranjava um lugar em que
me sentisse melhor ou iria embora da ilha.
de mota para sul e constatei que o panorama se torna muito mais bonito, mais
verde e mais fresco. As construções vão se tornando mais espaçadas e parecem
também mais bem integradas na paisagem, caracterizada sobretudo por floresta
Não é
raro verem-se macacos e a estrada tem muito pouco movimento (embora não esteja
na melhor das condições).
Nesse meu
passeio, passei por Klong Toab, Klong Nin, Nui Beach, Klong Hin e fui dar a
Kantiang Bay, uma vila muito pequenina e simpática, limitada por uma baía lindíssima
e uma floresta densa.
o Luke no seu hostel, cumprimentei-o e fui ver outro hostel, no cimo da arriba.
de imediato! Apesar de não ter aqui condições financeiras para ficar num
bungalow, o dormitório, tinha ar condicionado e uma vista incrível para a baía.
cama e mota (com valores correspondentes ao que estava a pagar por dia no outo
regressei a Klong Kong, paguei as minhas contas e mudei-me.
sim, começava a minha estadia em Koh Lanta!😊
English version
I arrived in Koh Lanta,
after a very demanding trip.
In fact, I left Chiang Rai at 1:45 p.m. and arrived at the island at 11:00 am the following day, after catching a bus, 2 airplanes and 1 minivan.
I had not booked any hostel and my plan was to find a cheap place, for one or two nights, and then decide where to stay.
Everyone recommended me to go further to the south of the island but there is a larger concentration of hostels in the north.
In fact, I left Chiang Rai at 1:45 p.m. and arrived at the island at 11:00 am the following day, after catching a bus, 2 airplanes and 1 minivan.
I had not booked any hostel and my plan was to find a cheap place, for one or two nights, and then decide where to stay.
Everyone recommended me to go further to the south of the island but there is a larger concentration of hostels in the north.
I chose to go out in Klong
Khong (middle zone), mainly because the day before I had been with two Spaniards
who had recommended me some bungalows in this area.
Under a strong heat, I got out of the minivan that left me on the main road - dusty, full of advertisements to hostels and restaurants. Due to their density it was challenging to read.
Under a strong heat, I got out of the minivan that left me on the main road - dusty, full of advertisements to hostels and restaurants. Due to their density it was challenging to read.
I went to the tourist information point, talked to the girl who was there, and I asked her to leave my backpack while I was looking for lodging. She acceded very sympathetically.
I do not know what had happened to me, whether it was through exhaustion or just out of natural stupidity, I did exactly the opposite of what I had planned.
I started looking for a
place trying to negotiate the best price per room and motorcycle, for a month
... Despite I had not experienced the island at all! A perfect abnormality!!!
Nevertheless, I am fascinated how, although obviously blocked in my ability to think, I was able to arrange a very clean room and a motorcycle, for a very satisfactory price, in the space of 2h!
In this period of time I got the perception that:
- 80% of the population on this island is Muslim,
- Who manages and decides the business are women,
- Although poorer, prices of goods and services are 30 to 50 percent higher than in the North,
- Southern Thais have a relative patience for tourists and interact as little as they can, even though they speak more English than the North.
- Volunteering is a difficult task to achieve and does not seem to be a highly valued activity.
After leaving my belongings at my place, I went straight to the beach.
Being on an island, the whole west coast offers a set of beaches with clear and warm water, or cut by rocks, forming small bays, or extensive beaches, bordered by coconut trees and other tropical species.
Through out the next two days I tried to familiarize myself with the island, to figure out how the island works, where to eat taking into account my budget and organizing myself. Essentially to feel me and to observe me again.
I assume they were not very comfortable days, they were not easy, but they were undoubtedly very interesting days. It was very clear to me that if I could I would have stayed longer in Chiang Rai and that I had felt at home there. I am one of those people who, although I love to travel, I create bonds easily and then it is not easy for me the separations with people and places that I meet. And those separations are, necessarily, underlying.
But there was clearly another issue. I did not feel comfortable with the place I had chosen. At least with the prospect of staying a month there.
On the third day, and after talking with some people, like Luke (a very communicative Englishman staying in the south), I woke up very early, did some yoga exercises and decided to find a solution. Or I'd find a place where I felt better or I'd leave the island.
I started driving south and I realized that the panorama becomes much more beautiful, greener and cooler. The buildings become more sparse and also appear to be better integrated into the landscape, characterized mainly by rainforest.
It is not uncommon to see monkeys and the road has very little movement (although it is not in the best of conditions).
On this tour, I passed Klong Toab, Klong Nin, Nui Beach, Klong Hin and went to Kantiang Bay, a very small and friendly village, bordered by a beautiful bay and dense forest.
I found Luke in his hostel, I greeted him and I went to see another hostel, at the top of the hill – Hidden Cliff.
I fell in love immediately! Despite not having the financial conditions to stay in a bungalow, the dormitory, had air conditioning and an incredible view of the bay.
I negotiated bed and motorcycle (with values corresponding to what I was paying per day in the other place), I returned to Klong Kong, paid my bills, and moved.
Yea! Now it would started my stay in Koh Lanta! 😊(reviwed by William Flower)
Nevertheless, I am fascinated how, although obviously blocked in my ability to think, I was able to arrange a very clean room and a motorcycle, for a very satisfactory price, in the space of 2h!
In this period of time I got the perception that:
- 80% of the population on this island is Muslim,
- Who manages and decides the business are women,
- Although poorer, prices of goods and services are 30 to 50 percent higher than in the North,
- Southern Thais have a relative patience for tourists and interact as little as they can, even though they speak more English than the North.
- Volunteering is a difficult task to achieve and does not seem to be a highly valued activity.
After leaving my belongings at my place, I went straight to the beach.
Being on an island, the whole west coast offers a set of beaches with clear and warm water, or cut by rocks, forming small bays, or extensive beaches, bordered by coconut trees and other tropical species.
Through out the next two days I tried to familiarize myself with the island, to figure out how the island works, where to eat taking into account my budget and organizing myself. Essentially to feel me and to observe me again.
I assume they were not very comfortable days, they were not easy, but they were undoubtedly very interesting days. It was very clear to me that if I could I would have stayed longer in Chiang Rai and that I had felt at home there. I am one of those people who, although I love to travel, I create bonds easily and then it is not easy for me the separations with people and places that I meet. And those separations are, necessarily, underlying.
But there was clearly another issue. I did not feel comfortable with the place I had chosen. At least with the prospect of staying a month there.
On the third day, and after talking with some people, like Luke (a very communicative Englishman staying in the south), I woke up very early, did some yoga exercises and decided to find a solution. Or I'd find a place where I felt better or I'd leave the island.
I started driving south and I realized that the panorama becomes much more beautiful, greener and cooler. The buildings become more sparse and also appear to be better integrated into the landscape, characterized mainly by rainforest.
It is not uncommon to see monkeys and the road has very little movement (although it is not in the best of conditions).
On this tour, I passed Klong Toab, Klong Nin, Nui Beach, Klong Hin and went to Kantiang Bay, a very small and friendly village, bordered by a beautiful bay and dense forest.
I found Luke in his hostel, I greeted him and I went to see another hostel, at the top of the hill – Hidden Cliff.
I fell in love immediately! Despite not having the financial conditions to stay in a bungalow, the dormitory, had air conditioning and an incredible view of the bay.
I negotiated bed and motorcycle (with values corresponding to what I was paying per day in the other place), I returned to Klong Kong, paid my bills, and moved.
Yea! Now it would started my stay in Koh Lanta! 😊(reviwed by William Flower)
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